Travis AFB Holiday Dorm Drop

Operation Cookie Drop is now the Holiday Dorm Drop!
Since 2004, the Travis Spouses’ Club has brought holiday cheer to Travis AFB dorm residents who are away from home during the Holiday season with Operation Cookie Drop.
Travis Air Force Base houses approximately 1,200 dorm residents. Dorm residents are single airmen who are new to the military. For most of these young airmen, this is their first holiday season away from home.
Each year, we rely on volunteers and donations from across the country to help bring this event to life.
Help us reach our goal of providing a gift to all of our Travis Air Force Base dorm residents!
In the event that we exceed our goal, funds will be used to support a Travis AFB Dorm Resident Event during the next year.
Click below to donate to the Travis Spouses’ Club Holiday Dorm Drop
*Select how many Airmen you would like to support and click add to cart.
*Click: View Cart.
*Click: Proceed to Checkout.
Your donation is tax deductible and you will receive a receipt with our tax identification number.
If you would like to donate via mail, please make checks payable to Travis Spouses’ Club and send to:
Travis Spouses Club
Attn: Travis Holiday Dorm Drop
PO BOX 1475
Travis AFB, CA 94535